These are the rules of Sunrise (ROM), in no particular order. For other
matters, use common sense. This is a partial list of rules for other rules
matters, use common sense. This is a partial list of rules for other rules
see help rules and help policy.
1) Your Presence here is welcomed as long as you are not abusive to other players
and follow the rules.
2) Foul and/or abusive language towards another player will not be
tolerated on Sunrise (ROM), Punishment is up to the Imm on at the
time, but will probably be dependent on what the "situation" is.
3) Harassment of any form will not be tolerated, punishable by deletion
Denying, or a Site ban if we feel it warranted. We will not put up with it.
Everyone is here to have fun, not to hafta deal with Real Life differences...
(See: Help Harassment)
4) Cheating will not be tolerated. This includes accepting favors from gods
and exploiting bugs. If you find a bug, report it, then do not use it.
If an Imm offers you something, be VERY careful about it. Acceepting help
from an Imm will get you in almost as much trouble as the Imm who offered
the help. JUST DON'T ASK, and don't accept candy from strangers.
5) NO multi-playing. Multi-playing consists of having more than one character
under your control on at the same time. It also includes such things as
logging in a character and dropping something for your other character to
log in and pick up. All of your characters should be entirely separate
beings and should have no affect on each other.
6) Posting notes to all, flaming/whinning. Everyone knows what the
other guy did was unfair or a dick so why post a note about it? Keep
the who field in your note to those it affects and keep arguments to
personal tells or says in a safe room. In the least you will be
nochanneled or find yourself with out note privileges.
7) Looting of quest tokens/stamps/tickets/coins is against the rules as
well as taking guild equipment. All guild equipment shall have GE in
the long description.
8) Multi-killing/sapping/subduing/sleeping is against the rules. If the actions
of the person being sapped/murdered/subdued/slept warrant the continuation
of the action then this rule is null and void. But realize something the
action had best warrant it, the admin can still rule in favor of the target
and find you guilty of breaking this rule. So in other words DONT DO IT!!
9) Another rule KANE is always right =P.
10) Abuse of the Myddraal code shall at the least cause you to lose your ability
as a Myddraal. Upon becomming a fade contact Kane for the guidelines that
go with this new found ability.
11) Abuse of the swear code to find a way around it will at the least get you no
channeled. If it warrants you may be deleted.
12) Attempts to crash the mud shall get you deleted in the least.
13) Obtain OOC consent from someone before bonding them. Abuse of the bond code
for character enhancement will result in deletion if warranted. Bonding
someone without their OOC consent will be considered harassment.
1) Your Presence here is welcomed as long as you are not abusive to other players
and follow the rules.
2) Foul and/or abusive language towards another player will not be
tolerated on Sunrise (ROM), Punishment is up to the Imm on at the
time, but will probably be dependent on what the "situation" is.
3) Harassment of any form will not be tolerated, punishable by deletion
Denying, or a Site ban if we feel it warranted. We will not put up with it.
Everyone is here to have fun, not to hafta deal with Real Life differences...
(See: Help Harassment)
4) Cheating will not be tolerated. This includes accepting favors from gods
and exploiting bugs. If you find a bug, report it, then do not use it.
If an Imm offers you something, be VERY careful about it. Acceepting help
from an Imm will get you in almost as much trouble as the Imm who offered
the help. JUST DON'T ASK, and don't accept candy from strangers.
5) NO multi-playing. Multi-playing consists of having more than one character
under your control on at the same time. It also includes such things as
logging in a character and dropping something for your other character to
log in and pick up. All of your characters should be entirely separate
beings and should have no affect on each other.
6) Posting notes to all, flaming/whinning. Everyone knows what the
other guy did was unfair or a dick so why post a note about it? Keep
the who field in your note to those it affects and keep arguments to
personal tells or says in a safe room. In the least you will be
nochanneled or find yourself with out note privileges.
7) Looting of quest tokens/stamps/tickets/coins is against the rules as
well as taking guild equipment. All guild equipment shall have GE in
the long description.
8) Multi-killing/sapping/subduing/sleeping is against the rules. If the actions
of the person being sapped/murdered/subdued/slept warrant the continuation
of the action then this rule is null and void. But realize something the
action had best warrant it, the admin can still rule in favor of the target
and find you guilty of breaking this rule. So in other words DONT DO IT!!
9) Another rule KANE is always right =P.
10) Abuse of the Myddraal code shall at the least cause you to lose your ability
as a Myddraal. Upon becomming a fade contact Kane for the guidelines that
go with this new found ability.
11) Abuse of the swear code to find a way around it will at the least get you no
channeled. If it warrants you may be deleted.
12) Attempts to crash the mud shall get you deleted in the least.
13) Obtain OOC consent from someone before bonding them. Abuse of the bond code
for character enhancement will result in deletion if warranted. Bonding
someone without their OOC consent will be considered harassment.
14) The only time you are OOC is if you are in KANELAND or the WELL.
15) This is a rp and pkill mud. That means you must have a reason icly to pkill the person. (Punishment for breaking this rule is up to the admin on at the time.)
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