Character Glossary

Ablar, Logain: Declared himself the Dragon in 997 NE. Captured and gentled in 998 NE.
Adan, Heran: Governor of Baerlon.
Adeleas: Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah. Sister to Vandene.
Aellinsar, Tel Janin: Aes Sedai and sportsman. A well-respected general in the armies of Lews Therin. Later known as the Forsaken Sammael.
Aemon al Caar al Thorin: Last king of Manetheren. Husband to Queen Eldrene ay Ellan ay Carlan. Killed (at Emond's Field) during Trolloc attack on Manetheren.
Aerwin, Teven: Author of The Dance of the Hawk and Hummingbird.
Aginor: One of the Forsaken. Originally known as Ishar Morrad Chuain. Responsible for the creation of Trollocs, Draghkar, Gholam and the jumara. Killed by Rand al'Thor near the Eye of the World in 998 NE.
Ailron: King of Amadacia in 999 NE.
Alwhin: Seanchan sul'dam.
Alric: Warder to Siuan Sanche.
Alsalam: King of Arad Doman in 999 NE.
Alshinn, Ellaine Marise'idin: Chief librarian at the Court of Arafel in 231 NE.
al'Carr, Adan: Resident of Emond's Field.
al'Carr, Nela: Resident of Emond's Field. Wife to Paet.
al'Caar, Paet: Resident of Emond's Field. Farmer. Husband to Nela.
al'Donel, Mistress: Resident of Emond's Field.
al'Meara, Elnore: Resident of Emond's Field. Mother of Nynaeve.
al'Meara, Nynaeve: Wisdom of Emond's Field. Daughter of Elnore al'Meara.
al'Seen, Wil: Resident of Devon's Ride.
al'Thor, Rand: Son of Tam and Kari al'Thor.
al'Thor, Kari: Mother of Rand al'Thor.
al'Thor, Tamlin (Tam): Husband to Kari al'Thor. Father of Rand al'Thor.
al'Van, Alwyn: Cobbler in Emond's Field.
al'Vere, Brandelwyn: Father of Egwene al'Vere. Mayor of Emond's Field and Innkeeper of The Winespring Inn.
al'Vere, Egwene: Daughter of Brandelwyn al'Vere.
al'Vere, Mistress: Mother of Egwene al'Vere. Wife to Brandelwyn al'Vere.
Alar: Ogier, eldest of Stedding Tsofu. Mother of Erith.
Aldiaya, Nalesean: A member of the Band of the Red Hand and commander of one of its mounted units.
Alesinde: Queen of Andor from FY 1020 to 1035. Daughter of Queen Ishara.
Alievin, Doniella: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 306 NE to 332 NE. Originally of the Brown Ajah.
Alman, Dumera: One of the Aes Sedai who met to discuss the construction of Tar Valon in 47 AB.
Almindhra: First Counselor of Tova circa FY 943.
Alsbet: Literary character. The Queen of All, who fought the giant Mosk.
Allwine, Rulan: Innkeeper in Market Sheran.
Aludra: An Illuminator from the Cairhien chapter house.
Alys: Name often used by Moiraine Damodred as a disguise.
Amalasan, Guaire: Proclaimed himself the Dragon Reborn in FY 939. Captured and gentled in FY 943.
Amalisa: Sister to Lord Agelmar.
Amerano, Saraline: One of the Aes Sedai who met to discuss the construction of Tar Valon in 47 AB.
Amira: Daughter of Artur Hawkwing and Amaline Paendrag Tagora. Sister to Modair and two other siblings. Poisoned in FY 961.
Antol: Son of Prince Consort Brys and Queen Ethenielle of Kandor. Brother to Diryk, Jarene and four other siblings.
Aydaer, Master: Cabinetmaker in Emond's Field.
Anaiya: Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah.
Andra: Name used by Lan in Baerlon.
Anla: Character in the story A Thousand Tales of Anla. Known as a wise counselor.
Ara: Employee of the Stag and Lion in Baerlon.
Aram: Tuathan'an befriended by Egwene. Grandson of Raen.
Aran: Born circa 50 AB. Son of Malan, son of Senar. Author of a manuscript concerning Ishamael's appearances.
Arandaille, Balladare: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 115 NE to 142 NE. Originally of the Brown Ajah.
Aran'gar: One of two dead Forsaken brought back to life by the Dark One.
Arganya, Meilyn: An Aes Sedai, older than Cadsuane, one of those chosen in 978 NE to search for the Dragon Reborn.
Arilyn: A Cairhien lady.
Arovni, Racelle: Romantic interest of Bukama. Innkeeper of The Blue Rose in Canluum, Kandor.
Arrel, Edeyn ti Gemallen: Malkieri lady, the carneira of Lan Mandragoran. Mother of Iselle.
Arrel, Iselle: Born in 962 NE. Daughter of Lady Edeyn Arrel. Killed in 979 NE by Merean Redhill of the Black Ajah.
Artein, Catlynde: One of 12 Aes Sedai who met to discuss the construction of Tar Valon in 47 AB.
Aryman, Deane: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from circa FY 992 to circa FY 1084. Originally of the Blue Ajah.
Ashin: Servant in the employ of Lord Barthanes in Cairhien.
Asmodean: One of the Forsaken. Originally known as Joar Addam Nessosin.
Astara: Queen of Andor from FY 1073 to 1085.
Astoril: High Lord of Tear in 978 NE.
Asunawa, Rhadam: The High Inquisitor of the Children of the Light.
Avin: Gatekeeper in Baerlon.
ay Marena, Sorelle: Queen of Manetheren circa 209 AB.
Aybara, Perrin: Blacksmith from Emond's Field.
Ayellin, Mistress: Resident of Emond's Field.
Ayellin, Neysa: Resident of Emond's Field.
Ayellin, Corin: Resident of Emond's Field.
Aylar, Malena: Resident of Watch Hill?


Ba'alzamon: Named used by the Forsaken Ishamael. Leader of Trollocs during the Trolloc Wars.
Bagand, Sereille: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 866 NE to 890 NE. Originally of the White Ajah.
Ballair: Aes Sedai advisor to Queen Ishara of Andor.
Balthamel: One of the Forsaken. Originally known as Eval Ramman. Killed by the Green Man near the Eye of the World in 998 NE.
Barran, Doral: Wisdom of Emond's Field before Nynaeve.
Bartim: Innkeeper of the Wayfarer's Rest in Whitebridge.
Bashere, Davram: Marshal-General of Saldaea in 999 NE. Uncle of Queen Tenobia.
Beidomon: Aes Sedai researcher at Collam Daan.
Be'lal: One of the Forsaken. Originally known as Duram Laddel Cham. Also known as the Netweaver.
Bevaine, Felaana: An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah.
Bili: Nephew to Illian innkeeper Nieda Sidoro.
Birgette: A Hero of the Horn of Valere
Blaes: Character from Matuchin in the song `The Bargain of Rogosh Eagle-Eye.'
Boann, Nemene Damendar: Aes Sedai Restorer in the Age of Legends. Later known as the Forsaken Semirhage.
Bornhald, Dain: Son of Geofram Bornhald. Officer of the Children of the Light.
Bornhald, Geofram: Father of Dain Bornhald. Lord Captain of the Children of the Light. Presumed killed near Falme in 998 NE.
Bors: Assumed identity of a Darkfriend.
Bryne, Gareth: Captain-General of the Queen's Guards in Caemlyn.
Brys: Prince Consort of Kandor, Swordbearer to Queen Ethenielle, and general of the Kandori Army. Father of Diryk, Antol and three other sons, and of Jarene and another daughter. Killed in 979 NE by Merean Redhill of the Black Ajah.
Brune, Mother:
Buad: Character from Albhain in the song `The Last Ride of Buad of Albhain.'
Buie, Cenn: Thatcher from Emond's Field.\
Bunt, Almen: Farmer.
Burn: Wolf.
Byer, Jaret: Officer of the Children of the Light.


Caal, Mitsora: One of the Aes Sedai who met to discuss the construction of Tar Valon in 47 AB.
Caar: Son of King Thorin al Toren al Ban. Prince of Manetheren. Husband to Rhea. Killed by Rhea.
Caban: Seanchan soldier.
Cain, Gaidal: Subject of the song `Gaidal Cain's Sword.' A Hero of the Horn of Valere.
Cal: A footman from Chachin.
Calder, Mistress: Resident of Emond's Field.
Caldevwin, Aldrin: Captain in the Cairhien military.
Camaelaine, Marithelle: One of those who attempted to seize power following the death of Artur Hawkwing in FY 994. Advised by Jalwin Moerad (Ishamael). Assassinated.
Candwin, Eward: Resident of Emond's Field.
Caredwain, Mother: Resident of Tremosien.
Carlinya: Aes Sedai of the White Ajah.
Carn: Crew member of the riverboat Spray. Murdered in 998 NE.
Carridin, Jaichim: Officer in the Children of the Light. Commander of the Hand of the Light in Tarabon.
Casalain, Endara: Daughter of King Joal Ramedar of Aldeshar. Mother of Ishara Casalain. Governor of the Province of Andor.
Casalain, Ishara: Daughter of Endara Casalain. First Queen of Andor from FY 994 to FY 1020. Wife to Souran Maravaile. Mother of Alesinde.
Casolan, Salindi: One of the Aes Sedai who met to discuss the construction of Tar Valon in 47 AB.
Catrine: Serving girl at The Nine Rings in Tremonsien.
Cauthon, Abell: Resident of Emond's Field. Husband to Natti Cauthon. Father of Matrim Cauthon.
Cauthon, Matrim (Mat): Son of Abell and Natti Cauthon.
Cauthon, Natti: Wife to Abell Cauthon. Mother of Matrim Cauthon.
Cham, Duram Laddel: Advocate and Aes Sedai in the Age of Legends. Later known as the Forsaken Be'lal.
Changu: Dungeon guard at Fal Dara. Darkfriend killed in 998 NE.
Charin, Jain: Malkieri known as "Farstrider." Possible Darkfriend. Disappeared in 994 NE.
Cheade, Muad: Marshal-General of Saldaea before Davram Bashere.
Chuain, Ishar Morrad: Aes Sedai and biological scientist in the Age of Legends. Later known as the Forsaken Aginor.
Chuliandred, Alaine: Cairhien Lady.
Chunla, Shein: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 578 NE to 601 NE. Originally of the Green Ajah.
Ciel: Serving maid at the Stag and Lion in Baerlon.
Cinda: Employee at the Stag and Lion in Baerlon.
Coidevwin, Nirelle: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 396 NE to 419 NE. Originally of the Green Ajah.
Cole, Aedwin: Crew member of the riverboat Spray.
Congar, Bili: Resident of Emond's Field.
Congar, Daise: Resident of Emond's Field. Wife to Wit Congar.
Congar, Wit: Resident of Emond's Field. Husband to Daise Congar.
Copan, Myriam: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 754 NE to 797 NE. Originally of the Green Ajah.
Coplin, Dag: Resident of Emond's Field.
Coplin, Darl: Resident of Emond's Field. Brother to Hari Coplin.
Coplin, Hari: Resident of Emond's Field. Brother to Darl Coplin.
Crawe, Bandry (Ban): Resident of Emond's Field. Son of Samel Crawe.
Crawe, Samel: Member of the village council of Emond's Field. Father of Bandry Crawe.
Cristol: First Lord of Essenia circa 209 AB.
Cuale: Innkeeper of The Defender of the Dragonwall in Cairhien.


Dalar: Ogier.
Dalisar, Ilyena Moerelle: Wife of Lews Therin Telamon.
Damodred, Barthanes: Cairhien Lord, High Seat of House Damodred. Darkfriend. Murdered in 998 NE.
Damodred, Galadedrid: Son of Taringail Damodred and Tigraine. Half-brother to Elayne and Gawyn.
Damodred, Laman: King of Cairhien from 965 NE until his death in 978 NE. Uncle to Taringail Damodred. Known to the Aiel as Treekiller.
Damodred, Taringail: Prince of Cairhien. Husband to Tigraine and father of Galadedrid. Husband to Queen Morgase and father of Elayne and Gawyn. Nephew to King Laman. Disappeared after the Aiel War (assassinated 984 NE?)
Darksbane, Raolin: A false Dragon who declared himself in 335 AB.
Dapple: Wolf.
Darith: A king, possibly a literary character.
Darksbane, Raolin: A false Dragon.
Dav: Resident of Emond's Field. Friend of Mat Cauthon.
Davian: A False Dragon who declared himself in FY 351.
Deain: Aes Sedai from Seanchan. Inventor of the a'dam.
Decume, Latra Posae: Powerful Aes Sedai in the Age of Legends. Known as Shadar Nor, the Cutter of the Shadow.
Delarme, Cetalia: An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. Head of the Blue Ajah's eyes-and-ears network in 979 NE.
Delovinde, Talmanes: A member of the Band of the Red Hand and commander of one of its mounted units.
Demain, Ines: A lady in Chachin, Kandor. Mother of Rahien. Widowed in 979 NE.
Demain, Rahien: Son of Lady Ines Demain. Born near Dragonmount.
Demalle, Parenia: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 817 NE to 866 NE. Originally of the Gray Ajah.
Demandred: One of the Forsaken. Originally known as Barid Bel Medar.
Dena: Romantic interest and apprentice to Thom Merrilin. Murdered in 998 NE.
Deosin, Eadwin: Husband to Saera Deosin. From Murandy.
Deosin, Saera: Wife to Eadwin Deosin. Possibly bore a son during the Battle of the Shining Walls in 978 NE.
Diryk: Born in 971 NE. Son of Brys, the Prince Consort of Kandor, and Queen Ethenielle. Brother to Antol, Jarene and four other siblings. Killed in 979 NE by Merean Redhill of the Black Ajah.
Domon, Bayle: Captain of the riverboat Spray.
Dorelmin, Silene: A seamstress from Chachin, Kandor.
Dowtry, Elam: Resident of Emond's Field.
Dunsinin: Literary character.


Earwin: An officer in the Children of Light.
Easar: House Togita. King of Shienar.
Eawynd: King of Safer circa 202 AB.
Egeanin: Seanchan captain and sul'dam.
Egoridin: Queen of Jaramide circa 209 AB.
Elaida: Aes Sedai advisor to Queen Morgase.
Elansu: Shatayan of Fal Dara keep.
Elayne: Daughter of Queen Morgase and Prince Taringail Damodred.
Elbar: Seanchan soldier.
Eldin, Whatley: Resident of Emond's Field. Painter.
Eldrene ay Ellan ay Carlan: Last queen of Manetheren. Wife to Aemon al Caar al Thorin. Killed during Trolloc attack on Manetheren.
Eldros, Nemaira: One of 12 Aes Sedai who met to discuss the construction of Tar Valon in 47 AB.
Elis: Servant in the Aesdaishar Palace in Kandor in 979 NE.
Ella: Serving girl at The Bunch of Grapes in Cairhien's Foregate.
Ellizelle: Former Queen of Ghealdan. Reportedly committed suicide.
Emery, Chesmal: An Aes Sedai.
en Shareed, Mabriam: Aes Sedai and Queen of Aramaelle. Helped establish the Compact of the Ten Nations in 209 AB.
Eramandos, Medanor: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 142 NE to 171 NE. Originally of the Gray Ajah.
Erith: Ogier, daughter of Iva, daughter of Alar.
Eronaile, Mierin: Aes Sedai researcher at the Collam Daan in V'saine. Later known as the Forsaken Lanfear.
Escanda, Suilin: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 355 NE to 396 NE. Originally of the Blue Ajah.


Fain, Padan: Peddler and Darkfriend, the Dark One's hound.
Fanway, Karella: One of the Aes Sedai who met to discuss the construction of Tar Valon in 47 AB.
Farede: The first panarch of Tarabon. Popularized the Farede Calendar based on the work of Sea Folk scholar Urin din Jubai.
Finngar, Ewin: Resident of Emond's Field.
Fitch: Innkeeper of the Stag and Lion in Baerlon.
Floran, Gelb: Former crew member of the riverboat Spray.


Gemallan, Cowin: Malkieri lord known as "Fairheart." Darkfriend captured by Jain Farstrider and killed by King al'Akir Mandragoran.
Gawyn: Son of Queen Morgase and Prince Taringail Damodred.
Gilda: Serving maid at The Queen's Blessing in Caemlyn.
Gill, Basel: Innkeeper of The Queen's Blessing and friend of Thom Merrilin.
Gode, Howal: Darkfriend merchant from Whitebridge. Killed by lightning at Four Kings.
Graendal: One of the Forsaken. Originally known as Kamarile Maradim Nindar.
Green Man: A Nym.
Grinwell, Else: Farmer's daughter.
Grubb, Mother: Resident of Caemlyn.
Guitama, Elfraed: One of those who attempted to seize power following the death of Artur Hawkwing in FY 994. Advised by Jalwin Moerad (Ishamael).


Hake, Saml: Innkeeper of the Dancing Cartman in Four Kings.
Haman: An Ogier Elder from Stedding Shangtai.
Harvole, Mailaine: One of the Aes Sedai who met to discuss the construction of Tar Valon in 47 AB. Possibly led a rebellion against the White Tower that failed.
Hasad, Biranca: One of the Aes Sedai who met to discuss the construction of Tar Valon in 47 AB.
Hawkwing, Artur: Born as Artur Paendrag Tanreall in FY 912. Son of Myrdin Paendrag Maregore and Mailinde Paendrag Lyndhal. Husband to Amaline Paendrag Tagora, and later Tamika. Father to Amira and Modair (By Amaline), and Luthair Paendrag Mondwin, Laiwynde and possibly three or four other children (by Tamika). Linked to the Horn of Valere after his death in FY 994.
Helvin: Innkeeper of The Gates of Heaven in Canluum, Kandor.
Hightower, Master: Ferry master at Taren Ferry.
Holdwin, Raimun: Darkfriend and Innkeeper of the Goose and Crown.
Hopper: Wolf.
Hu: Stableboy at the Winespring Inn in Emond's Field.
Huan: Seanchan aide to High Lord Turak. House of Aladon. Presumably murdered by Padan Fain in 998 NE.
Hurin: A sniffer in the employ of Lord Ingtar. Husband to Melia.
Hurn, Rowan: Member of the village council of Emond's Field.


Ila: Wife of Raen. Tuatha'an.
Ingtar: Lord of House Shinowa. Warrior from Fal Dara. Darkfriend. Presumed killed in 998 NE.
Irella: Accepted of the White Tower.
Ishamael (Betrayer of Hope): One of the Forsaken. Originally known as Elan Morin Tedronai. Also known as Ba'alzamon and the Betrayer of Hope.
Ivon: Weaponsmith in Cairhien's Foregate.


Jaen, Marith: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 984 NE to 988 NE. Originally of the Blue Ajah.
Jaem: Character in the song `Jaem the Giant Slayer.'
Jaem: Warder to Vandene.
Jagad, Agelmar: House of Jagad, Lord of Fal Dara.
Jak: Bouncer employed at the Dancing Cartman in Four Kings.
Jarene: Born in 967 NE. Daughter of Queen Ethenielle and Prince Consort Brys. Sister to Diryk, Antol and four other siblings.
Jeordam: Aiel warrior chief. Father of a child by Morin, the first Maiden of the Spear.
Jeral: An officer of the Children of the Light.
Johanin: Former King of Ghealdan. Died in a hunting accident.
Juin: Ogier, son of Lacel, son of Laud.
Jureen, Marasale: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 705 NE to 732 NE. Originally of the Yellow Ajah.


Kajin: Warrior from Fal Dara.
Karil: Literary character in the song `How Goodwife Karil Cured Her Husband of Snoring.'
Kareil: Kandori lady.
Kigarin, Alliandre Maritha: Queen of Ghealdan in 999 NE.
Kinch, Hyam: Farmer encountered on the Caemlyn Road.
Kishar, Gerra: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 601 NE to 638 NE. Originally of the Gray Ajah.
Kurenin, Nazar: One of the survivors of the fall of Malkier. A guard in Canluum in 979 NE.


Ladoman: King of Coremanda circa 209 AB.
Laiwynde: Daughter of Artur Hawkwing and Tamika. Sister to Luthair Paendrag Mondwin. Died along with her son in FY 994.
Lanfear (Daughter of the Night): One of the Forsaken. Originally known as Mierin Eronaile.
Lamgwin: Guard employed at The Queen's Blessing in Caemlyn.
Latar, Serenia: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 276 NE to 306 NE. Originally of the Gray Ajah.
Leane: Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. Keeper of the Chronicles.
Lenn: Literary character who once flew to the moon in the belly of an eagle. Father of Salya.
Lian: Character in the song `Lian's Stand.'
Liandrin: Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah.
Lidan: Serving girl at The Nine Rings in Tremonsien.
Lini: Servant in the Royal Palace. Nurse to Elayne Trakand.
Lira: Serving girl at The Blue Rose in Canluum, Kandor in 979 NE.
Loial (Kiseran?): Ogier, son of Arent son of Halan.
Lopiang, Kiam: An Aes Sedai advisor to the first Amyrlin Seat, Elisane Tishar.
Luc: House Mantear. Brother of Tigraine. Killed in the Blight.
Lucanvalle, Catala: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 197 NE to 223 NE. Originally of the Yellow Ajah.
Luhhan, Alsbet: Wife to Haral Luhhan.
Luhhan, Haral: Blacksmith in Emond's Field. Husband to Alsbet Luhhan.
Luin, Igaine: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 476 NE to 520 NE. Originally of the Brown Ajah.
Lyndelle: Queen of Andor from FY 1114 (for the next 51 years into the New Era).
Lyndhall, Mailinde Paendrag: Queen of Shandalle. Wife to Myrdin Paendrag Maregore. Mother of Artur Paendrag Tanreall. Died in FY 937 of the Black Fever.


Machera, Elyas: Former Warder. Wolfbrother.
Maculhene, Sawyn: From Khodomar. Killed while attempting to free Guaire Amalsan in FY 943.
Maeldan, Yarin: Second officer of the riverboat Spray.
Maigan: Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah.
Madwen, Barin: Husband to Maglin Madwen for 23 years. Deceased.
Madwen, Maglin: Innkeeper of The Nine Rings in Tremonsien, Cairhien. Widow to Barin Madwen.
Mallen, Mavra: Wisdom of Deven Ride.
Mandragoran, al'Akir: King of Malkier, husband to Queen el'Leanna Mandragoran. Father of al'Lan Mandragoran. Killed at Herot's Crossing.
Mandragoran, al'Lan: Son of King al'Akir Mandragoran and Queen el'Leanna Mandragoran. Uncrowned King of Malkier. Warder to Moiraine Sedai.
Mandragoran, Breyan: Wife of Lain Mandragoran. Mother of Isam. Believed killed with Isam in Malkier.
Mandragoran, el'Leanna: Queen of Malkier, wife to King al'Akir Mandragoran. Mother of al'Lan Mandragoran. Killed at Herot's Crossing.
Mandragoran, Isam: Son of Lain and Breyan Mandragoran. Believed killed in Malkier.
Mandragoran, Lain: Brother of King al'Akir Mandragoran, husband to Breyan. Killed in the Blight.
Mantelar, Lothair: Founder of the Children of the Light in FY 1021.
Mara: Character in the song `Mara and the Three Foolish Kings.'
Maravaile, Souran: General of Artur Hawkwing's. Husband of Ishara, the first Queen of Andor. Assassinated circa FY 1017.
Marcasiev, Varan: Lord of Canluum in 979 NE. High Seat of House Marcasiev.
Mareed, Azil: Domani captain and head of the White Tower Guard in 978 NE. Advisor to Marya Somares.
Maregore, Myrdin Paendrag: King of Shandalle. Husband to Mailinde Paendrag Lyndhall. Father of Artur Paendrag Tanreall. Died of the Black Fever in FY 937.
Marenellin, Bukama: Malkieri warrior, one of the bodyguards who carried Lan to safety in 953 NE. Known as a hero of Salmarna.
Mari: Employee at the Stag and Lion in Baerlon.
Marigaine: Queen of Andor from FY 1054 to FY 1073.
Marith: A Novice in the White Tower?
Marle, Beryl: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 520 NE to 533 NE. Originally of the White Ajah.
Marodred, Cerilla: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 454 NE to 476 NE. Originally of the Gray Ajah.
Marushta, Rabayn: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 5 NE to 36 NE. Originally of the White Ajah.
Masadim, Noane: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 950 NE to 973 NE. Originally of the Blue Ajah.
Masema: Warrior from Fal Dara.
Matarese: Literary character known as a healer and Mother of the Wondrous Ind.
Mathwin, Verin: Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah.
Mayel, Balwen: Last king of Aridhol. Known as "Ironhand."
Medar, Barid Bel: Aes Sedai and second in command of Lews Therin's armies. Later known as the Forsaken Demandred.
Melaidhrin, Cadsuane: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah.
Melasune: Queen of Andor from FY 1035 to FY 1046.
Melia: Wife of Hurin.
Melway, Kirin: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 922 NE to 950 NE. Originally of the Brown Ajah.
Meraighdin, Bonwhin: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai. Raised circa FY 939. Stilled in FY 943. Originally of the Red Ajah.
Merrilin, Thom: Gleeman, former Court-Bard of Caemlyn.
Mesaana: One of the Forsaken. Originally known as Saine Tarasind.
Mili: Character in the song Goodwife Mili and the Silk Merchant.
Min: Woman capable of seeing visions.
Modair: Son of Artur Hawkwing and Amaline Paendrag Tagora. Brother to Amira and two other siblings. Killed in battle in FY 959.
Moerad, Jalwin: Identity taken by Ishamael. Advisor to Artur Hawking from FY 974 to FY 994, and later advisor to Marithelle Camaelaine, Norodom Nosokawa and Elfraed Guitama.
Moghedien: One of the Forsaken. Originally known as Lillen Moiral.
Moiral, Lillen: Aes Sedai investment advisor from the Age of Legends. Later known as the Forsaken Moghedien.
Mondwin, Luthair Paendrag: Son of Artur Hawkwing. Lead an expedition to Seanchan in FY 992. Known to the Seanchan as the Hammer.
Morin: The first female Da'shain Aiel to join the men who had abandoned the Way of the Leaf. The first Maiden of the Spear. Mother by Jeordam to a child.
Morrigan: Queen of Andor from FY 1103 to FY 1114.
Morrigan, Varuna: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 638 NE to 681 NE. Originally of the Green Ajah.
Mosvani, Alanna: Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah.
Motheneos, Elinde: Possible renegade Aes Sedai from Esandara. Killed while attempting to free Guaire Amalasan in FY 943.
Mordeth: Advisor to King Balwen Mayel of Aridhol. Only survivor of Aridhol. Bound to Shadar Logoth.
Mordrellan: Queen of Andor. Mother to Tigraine. Died circa 972 NE.
Moroso, Gitara: Aes Sedai. Keeper of the Chronicles to the Amyrlin in ??. Died in ?? NE after Foretelling the birth of the Dragon Reborn.
Mosinel, Ared: Aes Sedai in the Age of Legends. Later known as the Forsaken Rahvin.
Mosk: Literary character. A giant whose Lance of Fire could reach around the world. He fought with Alsbet, The Queen of All.
Muadh: An officer of the Children of the Light.
Mulaen: Seanchan in charge of damane in Falme.
Mull, Alpert: Farmer encountered on the Caemlyn Road.
Mutch: Employee at the Stag and Lion in Baerlon.
Myrelle: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah.


Nachiman, Hirare: Arafel lord killed following the Battle of the Shining Walls in 978 NE.
Nachiman, Kiruna: An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah.
Nachiman, Paitar: King of Arafel in 999 NE. Brother to Kiruna Nachiman.
Nagashi, Kerene: A powerful Aes Sedai, one of those chosen to search for the Dragon Reborn in 978 NE.
Najima, Colar: Daughter of Josef and Jurine Najima. Sister to Eselle and Jerid.
Najima, Eselle: Daughter of Josef and Jurine Najima. Sister to Colar and Jerid.
Najima, Jared: Born in 978 NE during the Battle of the Shining Walls. Son of Josef and Jurine Najima. Brother of Colar and Eselle. Died in a fire in 979 NE.
Najima, Josef: Husband to Jurine Najima. Father of Jerid, Colar, Eselle and two unidentified sons. Killed in a fire in 979 NE.
Najima, Jurine: Wife to Josef Najima. Mother of Jerid, Colar, Eselle and two unidentified sons. Widowed in 979 NE.
Naldwinn, Aranvor: Captain-General of the Queen's Guard of Andor. Killed during the Battle of the Shining Walls in 978 NE.
Narg: One of the Trollocs who attacked the al'Thor farm on Winternight.
Narof, Azille: One of the Aes Sedai who met to discuss the construction of Tar Valon in 47 AB.
Natomo, Kiyosa: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 171 NE to 197 NE. Originally of the Green Ajah.
Nawan, Ishara: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 419 NE to 454 NE. Originally of the Blue Ajah.
Ndaye, Dalaine: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 36 NE to 64 NE. Originally of the Gray Ajah.
Necoine, Selame: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from circa FY 1084 to 5 NE. Originally of the Green Ajah.
Nedeal, Corianin: Aes Sedai who possessed the Talent of Dreaming. Died in 526 NE.
Nesaline: Queen of Caembarin circa FY 943.
Nessosin, Joar Addam: Aes Sedai and musician and composer in the Age of Legends. Later known as the Forsaken Asmodean.
Niall, Pedron: Lord Captain Commander of the Children of the Light.
Nidao: Dungeon guard at Fal Dara. Darkfriend killed in 998 NE.
Nindar, Kamarile Maradim: Aes Sedai and ascetic from the Age of Legends. Later known as Graendal.
Nisura: Attendant of Lady Amalisa.
Noallin: Employee of a banker in Chachin, Kandor in 979 NE.
Noramaga, Ethenielle Cosaru: Queen of Kandor from (979 NE) to 999 NE. Mother by Prince Consort Brys of Diryk, Antol and three other sons, and of Jarene and another daughter.
Noregovna, Edarna: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 64 NE to 115 NE. Originally of the Blue Ajah.
Noreman, Ceiline: Wife of a merchant killed in Canluum in 979 NE.
Nosar, Coerid: King of Almoren circa 209 AB.
Nosokawa, Norodim: One of those who attempted to seize power following the death of Artur Hawkwing in FY 994. Advised by Jalwin Moerad (Ishamael). Died in battle.


Ondin, Daerid: Captain in the Band of the Red Hand and commander of its infantry.
Osan'gar: One of two dead Forsaken brought back to life by the Dark One.
Osiellin, Belevaere: Cairhien Lady.
Ospenya, Tamra: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 973 Ne to 979 NE. Originally from the Blue Ajah.
Owyn: Nephew of Thom Merrilin capable of channeling. Died after being gentled by the Aes Sedai.


Padwhin: Carpenter in Emond's Field.
Paendrag, Berelain sur: The First of Meyene in 999 NE.
Paitr: Darkfriend encountered in Market Sheran.
Palan: A rug merchant from Murandy.
Pedra: An Accepted in the White Tower.
Pura: Seanchan name for Ryma, a captured Aes Sedai.


Quintara, Beslan: Son of Queen Tylin.
Quintara, Tylin: Queen of Altara. House Mitsobar. Mother of Beslan Quintara.


Raen: Mahdi of a band of Tuatha'an. Husband to Ila. Friend of Elyas Machera.
Ragan: Warrior from Fal Dara.
Rahvin: One of the Forsaken. Originally known as Ared Mosinel.
Rajan, Lideine: One of the Aes Sedai who met to discuss the construction of Tar Valon in 47 AB. Presumably stilled circa 77 AB.
Ramedar, Joal: King of Aldeshar. Last to rule before the conquest of Artur Hawkwing. Father of Endara Casalain.
Ramman, Eval: Aes Sedai historian in the Age of Legends. Later known as the Forsaken Balthamel.
Ramosanya, Alvera: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 549 NE to 578 NE. Originally of the Yellow Ajah.
Redhill, Merean: An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. Mistress of Novices under Amyrlin Tamra Ospenya. A member of the Black Ajah. Killed in 979 NE by Moiraine Damodred.
Remedan: King of Aelgar circa 209 AB. Known as Remedan the Goldentongued.
Renna: Seanchan sul'dam.
Rhea: Wife of Prince Caar of Manetheren. Killed Caar and later committed suicide before his tomb.
Rhian: Aiel, maiden of the spear.
Riatin, Galldrian: King of Cairhien. House Riatin. Assassinated in 998 NE.
Roedran: King of Murandy in 999 NE.
Rogosh: Famous Hunter of the Horn from Talmour. Known as "Eagle-eye." A Hero of the Horn of Valere.
Romlin, Aleis: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 890 NE to 922 NE. Originally of the Green Ajah.
Ronan: Shambayan of Fal Dara keep. Killed by Trollocs in Fal Dara in 998 NE.
Ryma: Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah captured and leashed by the Seanchan in Falme. Known as Pura.


Sahera, Avene: Woman known to have bore a child during the Battle of the Shining Walls.
Salya: Literary character who once walked among the stars. Daughter of Lenn.
Sammael: One of the Forsaken. Originally known as Tel Janin Aellinsar.
Sanche, Siuan: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 988 NE to 999 NE. Stilled in 999 NE. Originally of the Blue Ajah.
Sandair, Asan: Gate guard in Cairhien.
Santhra: Author of a book on the Forsaken.
Sara: Cook at the Stag and Lion in Baerlon.
Saralman, Feragaine: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 732 NE to 754 NE. Originally of the Blue Ajah.
Saren, Einor: Lord Captain in the Children of the Light. Member of the Hand of the Light.
Seaghan: Entertainment hall owner in Cairhien's Foregate.
Senhold, Aeman: Amadacian lord who participated in the Battle of the Shining Walls in 978 NE.
Senican, Aliane: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 332 NE to 355 NE. Originally of the White Ajah.
Serafelle: An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah.
Seroku, Alin: A veteran soldier from Canluum in Kandor.
Shadar Haran (Hand of the Dark): Myrddraal.
Shadowkiller: Wolf name for Rand al'Thor.
Shai'tan: The Dark One. Also known as The Great Lord of the Dark, Sightburner and Shepherd of the Night.
Sheriam: An Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah. Mistress of Novices in the White Tower.
Selene: Identity taken by Lanfear.
Semirhage: One of the Forsaken. Originally known as Nemen Damendar Boann.
Seta: A Seanchan sul'dam captured by Nynaeve and Elayne.
Sidoro, Nieda: Innkeeper of Easing the Badger in Illian.
Smoke: Wolf.
Somares, Marya: An Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah. Served on the council of the Grand Alliance in 978 NE.
Sorenthaine, Cemaile: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 681 NE to 705 NE. Originally of the Gray Ajah.
Stepaneos, Mattin: King of Illian in 999 NE.
Stonebow, Yurian: A false Dragon who declared himself in 1300 AB.
Strang, Elise: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 223 NE to 244 NE. Originally of the Gray Ajah.
Strom: Bouncer employed at the Dancing Cartman in Four Kings.
Suki: False name used by Siuan Sanche in Chachin in 979 NE.
Sulmara: Queen of Masenashar. Reportedly kidnapped by the Aes Sedai circa 450 AB.
Suroth: Seanchan High Lady.
Susa: Character in the story How Susa Tamed Jain Farstrider.


Taborwin, Breane: Cairhien Lady.
Tad: Stableboy at the Winespring Inn in Emond's Field.
Tagora, Amaline Paendrag: Wife to Artur Paendrag Tanreall. Mother of Amira, Modair and two other children.
Taim, Mazrim: Proclaimed himself the Dragon Reborn in 998 NE.
Takima: Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah.
Tallanvor, Martyn: Guardsman-Lieutenant in the Queen's Guard of Caemlyn.
Talvaen, Aleshin: Ghealdan lord who participated in the Battle of the Shining Walls in 978 NE.
Tamika: Second wife of Artur Hawkwing. Mother to Luthair Paendrag Mondwin, Laiwynde and possibly three or four other children. Died FY 987.
Tammuz: An Illuminator from the Cairhien chapter house.
Tanreall, Artur Paendrag: SEE ARTUR HAWKWING.
Tarasind, Saine: Aes Sedai teacher in the Age of Legends. Later known as the Forsaken Mesaana.
Tarsi, Larelle: An Aes Sedai of the ?? Ajah.
Tavolin, Elricain: An officer of the Cairhien military.
Tedronai, Elan Moran: Aes Sedai philosopher in the Age of Legends. Later known as the Forsaken Ishamael.
Tefan: King of Khodomar circa FY 943.
Telaisien: Queen of Andor from FY 1085 to FY 1103.
Telamon, Lews Therin: Husband to Ilyena. First Among the Servants. Wearer of the Ring of Tamyrlin. Holder of the High Seat. Summoner of the Nine Rods of Dominion. Lord of the Morning. The Dragon. Kinslayer. Committed suicide after killing all of his living relatives.
Tema: Groom at Fal Dara.
Temanin: King of Eharon circa 209 AB.
Tenobia: Queen of Saldaea in 999 NE.
Teresia: Former Queen of Ghealdan. Forced to abdicate the throne.
Termylle: Queen of Andor from FY 1046 to FY 1056.
Tetsuan: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai. Stilled during the Trolloc Wars. Originally of the Red Ajah.
Teva: Resident of Fal Dara?
Thane, Berin: Resident of Emond's Field. Brother of Jon Thane.
Thane, Jon: Resident of Emond's Field. Miller. Father to Lem Thane.
Thane, Lem: Resident of Emond's Field. Oldest son of Jon Thane.
Thorin al Toren al Ban: A king of Manetheren.
Tiam: Creator of the first calendar system, the Gazaran Calendar, following the end of the Trolloc Wars.
Tiedra: Innkeeper of The Great Tree in Cairhien.
Tigraine: Daughter-Heir of Andor. Daughter to Queen Mordrellan. Wife to Taringail Damodred and mother of Galadedrid. Sister to Luc. Disappeared in 972 NE, and believed dead.
Timora: Attendant of Lady Amalisa.
Tishar, Elisane: One of the Aes Sedai who met to discuss the construction of Tar Valon in 47 AB. Later to become the first Amyrlin Seat by 98 AB.
Tolen, Eldaya: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 533 NE to 549 NE. Originally of the Blue Ajah.
Toma dur Ahmid: Creator of the first calendar system, the Toman Calendar, following the Breaking of the world.
Tomas: Warder to Verin Mathwin.
Torghin, Doreille: Queen of Aridhol circa 209 AB.
Trakand, Morgase: Queen of Andor. Mother of Elayne and Gawyn by Prince Taringail Damodred.
Trayal: Ogier from Stedding Tsofu. Lost his mind and soul in the Ways.
Tsao, Chowin: Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah. Advisor to Artur Hawkwing in FY 954.
Tuli: Seanchan name for Egwene.
Tuon: Daughter of the Seanchan Empress.
Turak: A Seanchan High Lord. Killed by Rand al'Thor in 998 NE.
Tuval: Teacher in the Aesdaishar Palace in Chachin, Kandor.
Two Deer: Wolf.
Tyrim, Zeranda: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 797 NE to 817 NE. Originally of the Brown Ajah.


Uno: Warrior from Fal Dara.
Urin din Jubai: Sea Folk scholar and creator of the first calendar system, the Farede Calendar (named after Panarch Farede of Tarabon), following the end of the War of the Hundred Years. Also known as Soaring Gull.
Urien: Aiel of the Two Spires sept of Clan Reyn. Red Shield.


Valda, Eamon: Officer in the Children of the Light.
Vandene: Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah. Sister to Adeleas.
Vayu, Sierin: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 979 NE to 984 NE. Originally of the Gray Ajah.
Venamar, Ryne: A survivor of Malkier and friend of Lan Mandragoran. A Darkfriend. Killed by Lan in 979 NE in Chachin.


Wind: Wolf.
Winter Dawn: Wolf.
Wuan: An officer of the Children of the Light.


Young Bull: Wolf name for Perrin Aybara.


Zepava, Comarra: Amyrlin Seat of the Aes Sedai from 244 NE to 276 NE. Originally of the Blue Ajah.
Zera: Innkeeper of The Bunch of Grapes in Cairhien's Foregate.

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